Social Impact


Services for people with disabilities

Our Occupational Health Area is responsible for giving support to people with disabilities. 

We have 05 wheelchairs on campus if any is required; also, all of our buildings have handicapped access. 

Access schemes for people with disabilities such as mentoring or other targeted support

We possess different mentoring programs and we have schemes for people with disabilities. Within these schemes and programs we have inclusion policies. Please see the Bases for the Call for Business Challenge Document (pg 5)

Furthermore, we have had cases in which students or participants with limited mobility have formed part of our mentoring programs.

Also, through our Center for Entrepreneurship Development (CDE for its initials in Spanish), we organize different types of programs and education events such as Hackathons. The requirements for mentors and participants are inclusive as accesibility and assistance is given to everyone who requires them.


Outreach projects for the community

We have different outreach projects which are detailed on our PRME Report and our RSU summary

Two of the most important ones are our Entrepreneurship Programs and the Sustainable Education Project.

During the pandemic ESAN University mobilized the “Fablab to Led”, a national project involving all digital fabrication laboratories in the country to design and manufacture medical PPE during COVID 19 1st and 2nd waves for national first responders. The Fablab, as an authorized Technology Innovation Centre, has also been involved in working with the visual impairment community to develop educational tools and validated prototypes for low-income communities in peri urban areas.

Likewise, at ESAN we promote sustainability and community outreach through field trips in the environmental management of watersheds, environmental hydrology and general ecology courses in the environmental management engineering program.

The following is a summary of some of the field trips conducted:

The field trip was carried out in the community of Obrajillo, Canta, department of Lima, with the objective of measuring the gauging of the Chillon River in that area. In addition, the students took advantage of the occasion to carry out awareness-raising activities on environmental care, posters were installed throughout the town, highlighting the importance of protecting and preserving the natural environment.

The field trip culminated in Pampamichi in Chanchamayo, department of Junín.  The objective was to identify the main components and characteristics of a micro-watershed and to carry out a technical and social diagnosis of the watershed. Technical assistance was also provided to community representatives to help them improve the sustainable management of the watershed.

In the field trip, various local ecosystems located on the western slope of the Rimac River basin, department of Lima were studied. The objective was to thoroughly analyze their biodiversity and the factors affecting them as they ascended in altitude. Four stops were made every 1,000 masl up to Ticlio (4800 masl), studying the altitudinal floors and the variation of flora and fauna. In addition, research was conducted on the effect of the El Niño phenomenon on coastal ecosystems, culminating with the presentation of their findings in a poster exhibition aimed at the university community and the general public, with the objective of promoting environmental education. 


Health and physical care services

Esan cares for the well-being of its students and staff, therefore within the campus we have:

Food service and choices will contribute in to formulate our fresh sustainable food action that will sets standards for measuring the ecological and social impacts on-campus food preparation and cosumption. We will increase access to basic needs for all; enhance awareness of healthy and sustainable choices; reduce food waste; and increase policy compliance.

Healthy Food Choices

This year 2023 our campus re-opened 100% after the COVID19 pandemic and we re-opened our cafeterias. One of which offers healthier food choices. Also, we have vending machines with healthier options.

Mental and Physical Health Support

The importance of increasing opportunities for flexible work solutions, mental health support, and diverse physical activity options allows us to create an inclusive and healthy campus for all.

Student Welfare develops psycho-pedagogical activities with the purpose of providing a space of confidentiality and active listening that allows students to achieve an adequate adaptation to our university life through the identification of the problems that afflict them and guiding them to the development of effective tools that contribute to the improvement of the areas in difficulty, whether academic, personal and/or social, allowing them an integral development.