Holistic culture based on values

Our organisational mission a vision statements includes the training of more humane and ethical leaders.


Equal Opportunities, equality, diversity, inclusion, anti-discrimination and Sexual Harassment

ESAN University is an educational and research institution with responsibility for society as a whole, which works towards an environment in which equal opportunities across all dimensions of diversity are lived with the aim of equal participation, appreciation and promotion of all the members, regardless of their individual characteristics (gender, sexual orientation, age, physical and mental abilities, social origin, nationality/ethnicity, religion) and discrimination as well as sexual harassment are avoided. 

The Gender Equality Policy of ESAN University aims to establish a commitment to the development of a culture of gender equality in all areas of the institution, both academic and administrative, and in relations between members of the university community. As well as, to eliminate all discriminatory practices in the university, in order to equalize opportunities between men and women, obtaining equal treatment within the university community.

Sexual harassment is considered a serious offense in the internal rules and regulations governing in ESAN University. For its prevention, determination, intervention and sanction, there are disciplinary procedures at the undergraduate and graduate levels and the General Direction of Administration that ensure compliance with the principles mentioned in the Directive on prevention and investigation procedure for acts of sexual harassment (Anti - harrasment policy). Additionally, the University Community has the University Advocacy to file the corresponding complaint and thus protect the rights to physical and psychological integrity, sexual indemnity, among others, of those affected.

Our anti-harrasment policy possess a clause where the confidentiality of whistleblowers is assured (see page 07).

Additionally, as part of our good governance policies, we have guidelines that require our Community to fully comply with all applicable laws and regulations at all times, including, among others, anti-corruption laws, and to demonstrate transparent and ethical conduct in the various activities they undertake. Our commitment to ethical behavior is clearly expressed in the various regulations of our institution. ESAN Guidelines including our Directive of Prevention of Corruption, Money Laundering, and Terrorism Financing

In all contracts signed by ESAN includes a clause on the Prevention of Corruption, Money Laundering, and Terrorism Financing is included, which obliges us, among other things, to:

The Sustainability Committee is responsible for ensuring the sustainability of the university in a cross-cutting manner throughout the entity.

In addition, in the areas of Human Talent Management, Student Welfare and the University Advocacy Office, there are personnel in charge of various specific activities related to sustainability.

The ESAN Community has an internal reporting system that allows for confidentiality when reporting activities that go against transparency and/or ethical rules.This can be done via the Complaints and Reports Mailbox by following just five steps.

Step 1: Access the portal.

Step 4: Select the alternative.

Step 2: Enter username and network password.

Step 5: Writing the report and sending it.

Step 3: Head to "Complaints and reports".

Human Talent Management

Student Wellfare

University Advocacy

Main functions:

Provide guidance to members of the university community in case they believe that their rights have been violated or that any regulations from the various current rules have been breached. 

Receive and address complaints and claims made by members of the university community related to the violation of individual rights and freedoms in the instances of university services provision. 

Propose recommendations, norms, policies, or actions that enhance the defense of the rights of the members of the university community in the different services provided by the University.

Promote preventive actions, dissemination, training, and awareness-raising to eliminate sexual and labor harassment and foster a culture of respectful coexistence and integrity within our university community. 

Student Representation

We have student representation in the governing body as two students and three graduates form part of the General Assembly.

Please see Chapter I - Article 7 of the Esan University Bylaws