Ecoesan - ESAN

Ecoesan is Esan's culture that seeks to transmit sustainable development initiatives to the community and thus have a positive impact.

Engage with Sustainability

Make ESAN a sustainable institution that takes the three pillars of sustainability as the basis for its activities and projects.

Our commitment within the community includes achieving carbon neutrality by 2050.

Sustainability Activities

ESAN is aware that climate-smart investments and cultural changes will be required, therefore we are in the process of strengthening our path towards zero carbon operations, starting with the measurement of our carbon footprint (through the platform of the Ministry of Environment) and working on our sustainability plan.

We have signed up for the government's program for carbon emission measurement (DJ). We are currently working on our carbon footprint.

ECOESAN has been particularly active on campus and also externally with projects such the recycling and circular economy campaign in Miraflores and La Molina during the pandemic, the Sustainable Education project in Puno (for which it received two awards – the Innovation Award 2019 from Equaa, Brazil - first place and the Innovation Award of the Peruvian industry from SNI, 2022 - Third place), the Social Project Day of 2019 produced together with the PMI Organization. 

For instance, some activities that show ESAN's commitment to sustainability are those developed with the Capi Los Uros Community Project in Puno.

 Esan campus efforts

Sustainable infrastructure

Energy saving AC units, motion activated LED lights, etc.  

Water Efficiency

Purified water fountains, drip irrigation on the colliding hill, new flowmeters , dry urinaries.

In 2022, our water consumption in our campus was 18,789.50 cubic meters.

Green areas

More green areas in campus (including vertical gardens wuith drip irrigation) and on the colliding wall outside

Circular economy

Over 103 000 kg of plastics, paper, glass, metals, etc. have been collected and recycled

"Educating the mind without educating the heart is not education"



Esan Office of Sustainability:

(+511) 317 7200 anx. 44993 / 44797 / 44799

 (51) 986010291
